The National Association of Farmers’ Market Nutrition Programs welcomes your membership!

A member already? Sign in here.

Sign in to upgrade your membership, pay your membership due, and/or change your point-of-contact.

Benefits of Membership

Through the Association, both voting and associate members have representation on key legislative and regulatory issues, including networking and educational opportunities at the annual conference and through board and committee involvement. Members also receive access to our on-line membership directory and receive the association’s newsletter.

By joining the NAFMNP you connect with a group of like-minded individuals who share a common purpose and goals.

Your support will help the association continue its work to ensure we are able to build the tools necessary to effectively convey our message to key decision-makers. Farmers’ markets, roadside stands and community supported agriculture programs are playing an increasingly important role in the financial future of family farmers. By becoming a Member of the NAFMNP, you will help to ensure that low income consumers will continue to have access to fresh, locally grown fruits and vegetables from their local growers.

For more information contact Phil Blalock, Executive Director, 703-837-0451 or

Voting Membership

Participating State Agencies

  • Voting capability related to association matters
  • Access to resources including Basecamp
  • Access to annual conference
  • Pricing based on federal grants level

Associate Membership

Non-participating State Agencies, business, and organizations

  • Advisory capability related to association matters
  • Limited access to resources
  • Access to annual conference
  • $100 annually

Growing Partner Membership

Farmers, Farmers' Markets and local participants in the programs

  • Limited access to resources
  • Access to annual conference
  • $50 annually